Youth Ministries
The mission of PYC is to participate in a fellowship together in order to grow relationships with other Christians, to respond to God's call of a relationship with him, and to have a variety of experiences which equip youth to live and serve in today's world as we strive to "seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God" (Micah 6:8).
The youth of Central Presbyterian Church are valued and loved members of the congregation. Youth are included in worship leadership each week and many of them serve regularly on church-wide committees.
Our Programs
Our many programs are designed to help youth nurture their relationships with God and build relationships with other Christians.
Sunday Nights
6:00 to 8:00 PM
Dinner begins at 6:00 PM and is provided by parents of our youth. We rotate Bible study, mission activities, small groups, and recreation time on these nights.
Sunday school
Sunday Mornings
9:30 to 10:15 AM
Grades 6th through 12th meet in the Youth Room.
Open Gym
Wednesday Afternoons
3:45 to 5:00 PM
Middle school students are invited to join us at church after school to relax in the youth room, have a snack, take part in a devotional, and spend time in the gym. Friends always welcome to join!
Central Bridge
Wednesday Nights
5:15 to 6:15 PM
Dinner starts at 5:15 PM and is priced at $8.00 per person, with a max of $20 per family.We look forward to welcoming your family for an evening of faith, fellowship, and delicious food.
Covenant Youth Choir
Covenant Youth Choir (6th - 12th Grades)
The Covenant Youth Choir welcomes youth in grades 6 through 12. Following a solid foundation from Children's Choir program, participants can explore more advanced techniques, such as singing in 4-part harmony. They also learn the basics of Handbell music and perform with handbells during worship.
Together with the PYC, the Covenant Youth Choir leads the Youth Worship Service each Spring at Central.
Rehearsals for the Covenant Youth Choir are conducted our Director of Music, Mandy Davis, every Sunday afternoon during Youth Group starting in September and ending in May.
The Confirmation Class is a unique program typically attended by youth in grades 6 to 8 at Central. It serves as a significant period for reflection and growth in a young person's journey. While it marks the official opportunity to "join the church," it also allows youth to ask questions and deepen their understanding of Christian beliefs. As Presbyterians, we affirm that God has chosen us and offered His grace, and it is our responsibility to respond by dedicating our lives to God in gratitude.
The Confirmation Class allows us to examine our commitments to God and transition from being guided by our parents to being empowered by our relationship with Him.
This class is offered yearly and begins in the Fall and ends in late Winter.