Adult Ministries
Sunday School Classes
Adult Education and Formation
“Reach, Nurture, Serve”
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Group Meeting Monthly
Esther Circle
2nd Monday
06:30 PM
Meeting Room
Joanna Circle
2nd Monday
02:00 PM
Meeting Room
Mary Circle
1st Monday
( unless holiday, then 2nd)
01:30 PM
Meeting Room
Group Meeting Weekly
Central Sisters
Wednesday Afternoons
04:30 PM in the Parlor
Welcome to Central Sisters! a fun and supportive group for moms with young kids, where we mix fellowship, mission/service, and Bible study in our programming. Join us as share laughs, lend a helping hand, and grow together in faith. We can't wait to connect with you!
Yard Crew
Thursday Mornings
Meets spring and fall to cut grass and maintain the grounds at Central
Sunday School Classes (9:30 AM - 10:30 AM)
The Genesis Class is composed of congregational members who are in their 60's and 70's. They use "The Present Word" series. The class meets in the Parlor on the first floor of the Education Building in room E103.​
The Koinonia Class is a group of older adults with grown children. The class does various study books and has a rotation of teachers. This class meets on the second floor of the Education Building in room E203.
The Journey Group is an active group of adults, most of which have older children. The class using the Feasting on the Word curriculum which goes along with the Sunday worship lessons. This class meets on the second floor of the Educational Building in room E201.
The Vision Class is a Sunday school class at Central with most members married in the 30's and 40's who have children with ages ranging from infants through elementary school. The class uses the Feasting on the Word curriculum which goes along with the Sunday worship lessons. This class meets on the second floor of the Education Building in room E202.​
The CrossRoads are our group of 60+ older adults. They meet for lunch and a program several times a year, as well as making periodic trips to plays, musicals, and places of interest.
For more information, please contact Reverend Noelle Read.
Prayer Shawl
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is a continuation of the initiative launched in 1998 by Janet Bristow and Victoria A. Cole-Galo, who are both graduates of the Women's Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary in Hartford, Connecticut.
Just as each knitted and crocheted shawl develops stitch by stitch, this spiritual practice has naturally expanded and flourished within the community. As the yarn flows our fingers, we offer prayers for the recipient of each shawl, regardless of whether we know them personally. Our spiritual journeys are enriched through meditation while crafting these shawls, and we continually build new connections through and the act of sharing.
Prayer shawls are given for comfort or celebration, to commemorate significant life events, and as expressions of love and friendship. They represent warm embraces, the encompassing power of prayer, and the of God's love. The patterns and colors are chosen not only for their beauty but also for their symbolic significance. For more information, please visit the official website of this outreach.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets twice a month, on the first Thursday at 10 AM and the third Thursday at 5:30 PM.
Everyone of all ages is welcome!
Greif Group
Grief Group is a ministry outreach of Central Presbyterian Church in Anderson, SC. This group is dedicated to providing a welcoming environment for those experiencing loss, offering a safe space for sharing and supporting one another. Open to the public, it aims to meet individuals wherever they are in their grief journey. The group convenes on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 PM in the Church Parlor. For more information or directions, please contact Reverend Noelle H. Read at noelleread@centralpresby.com or call 864-226-3468. You are not alone.
Reformed Theology 101
Reformed Theology 101 is a group for everyone who meets every Wednesday at 12:00 pm in the Meeting Room. This group is using Before God by George Stroup. In the Spring we will finish this book and begin Falling Upward by Richard Rohr.